Monday, January 21, 2013

Meal Planning and a Menu Board

As I have mentioned before in other posts, I do a lot of prep work when it comes to food.  Sometimes I prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them.  I always menu plan.  I have a notebook where I write down 7 meals for the week.  That is how I create my shopping list (as well as looking for staples that are low or out). Planning a specific meal for a specific day was not working for us.  Creating a menu board of some sort seemed like a good idea to organize the meal planning for everyone to see.  I found many ideas but went with the one below.  It uses a picture frame, spray paint, clothespins, scrapbook paper and envelopes.  Our kitchen has recently been upgraded and the color scheme is red, black, and white.  I chose to paint the frame white so it would pop off of the red walls.  Each of the meals is listed on small cards and on the backs is a list of the ingredients needed to make the meal.  This way, after I choose 7 meals, I can look at the backs to create my grocery list for the week.
spray painting the frame

list of ingredients on the back of the taco meal card

completed Menu Board hanging in my kitchen

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